"I'm Jus Sayin" is an urgently honest often humorous approach to life's issues as I see it!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 10

Day 10 October 13th

Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you.
Top of FoBott

Niquita \n(i)-qui-ta\ as a girl's name is a variant of Nikita (Greek), and the meaning of Niquita is "unconquered".

So for those that don't know my government name is Niquita (pronounced Nikita). The male version Nikita, is Slavic with some Irish roots; however the female version is spelled with a "q" and is African. I found that little tidbit of information hilarious considering how I got my name. My dad already had a son, 10 years my senior, when my mom was pregnant with me. I was the 1st girl and my dad wanted to name me, mommy agreed. Fast forward a few months, daddy still didn't have a name and I can only assume that my mom was getting a little agitated. My father is/was a huge wrestling fan, and ironically enough I'm named after a wrestler. Now if that ain't some mess right there. Daddy was watching WWF on TV and they announced a popular wrestler, Nikita Koloff. He told mommy my name was going to be Nikita, and she loved it. She said it was unique, but didn't want to spell it "Nikita". So mom, with her intelligent college educated self, eats a Chiquita banana and gets a bright idea. Take the CH off; add an N, and viola. There you have it, Niquita!

I died of embarrassment when I found out the history behind my name; my damned parents jacked me up for life. I laugh at it now though, because my mom was right, my name is extremely unique and so fitting. I researched my name intensively a few years ago. I wanted to make sure my parents didn't curse me with some foolishness. I was pleasantly surprised though by its meaning, "unconquered." How powerful is that? I'm extremely opinionated, open-minded, and resilient. My life hasn't been easy, but every time I fall down, I get back up! I've survived failed relationships, financial hardships, depression, mental breakdowns, loss of friendships, diminished capacity; you name it and I more than likely have a story for it. God has blessed me beyond measure. I am a living breathing miracle. I am a testament to perseverance and fortitude. So even though the story behind my name is quite humorous, I can’t deny mommy and daddy did something right all those years ago. And I'll continue to prove them right by living "unconquered!"


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