"I'm Jus Sayin" is an urgently honest often humorous approach to life's issues as I see it!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 28

Day 28 October 31st

Describe a moment when you made a big, bold, move. In any area of life: career, love, etc.

I CUT MY HAIR!!! At the time, my hair was shoulder length. I‘d wanted to cut it for a few years actually, but my boyfriend at the time was like “why you wanna cut ya hair?” Basically it was a no go for him. So I didn’t cut it. I didn’t want to get a relaxer, so I wore braids for about 6 months. He didn’t like my “Janet Jackson in poetic justice” look much either. So my birthday do was a fresh feathered wrap, long and flowing. I couldn’t get a compliment out of him, if my life depended on it. SMH! So not long after I got rid of his sorry tail (side note: I really wanna say something else, but I’m trying to keep it PG and work on my “cussin.”), I got rid of the hair to. I mean, I CUT IT ALL OFF. Short cropped due, shaved down in the back, and fire red spikes.

I was scared to do it, because I didn’t know if it would compliment my chubby cherub cheeks. But I’m so glad I did. I loved that haircut. I felt bold and exposed, and I loved it. My grandmother nearly cussed me out, and called bald headed. My mom thought it was cute, but “drastic” and couldn’t understand why I cut a head full of thick and beautiful hair. It took this experience for me to realize how much emphasis society, puts on hair. I was in awe! For the most part, I got a lot of positive feedback. Most people couldn’t believe I did it. When I took the picture to my stylist, she brushed me off at first. But when she realized I was serious, she hurried a client out of her chair and commenced to cutting my hair before as she said “I changed my mind.” LOL!

I did that for about 3 months, stopped with chemicals all together, and just let it grow from there.  Currently I’m nearly a year natural, fro’ed out, and loving every minute of it. I am so proud of myself for being brave. I wouldn’t change this experience for anything in the world! But I’ll be nice to grandma around the holiday and straighten my hair. She doesn’t like natural hair either, and she makes me pie! LOL!!!

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