"I'm Jus Sayin" is an urgently honest often humorous approach to life's issues as I see it!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


I was at a family gathering at my grandmother's house a couple of years ago and I had on a top that showed some cleavage. At the time, i'm sure I didnt think anything of wearing the top, as it didnt have the girls "hanging out." My now 75 year old grandmother told me I need to cover up. When I asked why, she said that men were coming over to the house. Now these men, were my blood related uncles and cousins. I was completely lost, like ok grandma, and? She told me I need to cover up my breasts so they won't be looking at me. I distinctly remember my reply, "well they need to fix they damn eyes."

I was instantly pissed off! We already had men in the house. My three younger male cousins and my aunt's husband were already there, and grandma didn't have an issue with my clothing. But as soon as there was a rumble of the presence of extended family members, she had an issue with my attire.

Now lets address a few things. My grandmother was born in 1943. A generation in which modesty was synonymous with womanhood. I'm a plus size girl, always have been and grandma has an issue if I wear a skirt above my knees. I opted out of going to church with my family and witnessing a christening because I wore a skirt that showed my kneecaps. Now being who I am, I definitely pissed her off a few times. I've worn a few illicit outfits around her just to get a rise in my early twenties and it never failed. She would be 38 hot, my mom would shake her head, and I'd go on acting as if i didn't have a care in the world.

Present day at 32, I wouldn't dare wear anything so risque, if you will, in her presence. I think her views are misguided, but my opinion doesn't mean I have any less respect for her views.

(FAIR WARNING: this is where it gets ignit)

Having said that, lets rewind just a little to the Ariana Grande debacle at mother Retha's fune'l last week. Let's address a few things:

* it was entirely too long, like who has a 7 hour funeral
*it wasnt a homegoing service, it was a telethon. I was just waiting for them to flash the 1-800 number to call and make a donation.
*Michael Eric Dyson is that NIGGA!
*I blame Big Sean. How you giving that lil white girl that black dick for year(s) and aint teach her shit? Bruh, you aint take her round ya momma and dem?
*Bill is BLACK! This is not up for debate.
*Jessie and Bill was like them two old men that sit and play dominoes on the corner. They watch girls walk by and then talk shit about how they would have them bent backwards in their hay day. But when the sun goes down they go home to their wives.
* why do we act like we aint got pervs in the black church?
*Bishop Ellis is a prime example of what's wrong with our culture and the black church!

(Now that the ignance has concluded...)

Here's the thing, black culture is a catch 22 in alot of ways. But lets specifically discuss how we demean our young women. Had Ariana been black and came out the dressing room wearing that dress, somebody in her camp would have snatched some sense into her real quick. That outfit would not have been approved, Period. But she's not black, and I doubt she has anyone around her who is familiar with or accustomed to our culture. At least I hope not. But, that doesnt give "our men" the right to oogle her as a sex object openly and in the pulpit no less. Now looking gawking even is one thing, but to physically touch her in an inappropriate manner is just beyond ridiculous and borderline sexual assault. Not only did Ellis hold her in a visibly uncomfortable embrace while speaking into the mic and apologize for mispronouncing her name, as she sidestepped to get out of his grasp he held her tighter, all the while inching his hand toward and then finally groping the side of her breast. To make matters worse, he issued some sorry ass apology.

The real issue is (I mean outside of a clergymen sexually assaulting a woman in public, of course) is that we have become accepting of this behavior and excused it as a part of manhood. We tell young girls that their outfits shouldn't entice men, their shirts shouldn't be low cut, their skirts shouldn't be short, or their heels shouldn't be high. If a young woman is taken advantage of, her attire doesnt matter. What matters is she was assaulted! Had one of my male extended family members said anything inappropriate to me at that family function, heads would have rolled. I mean we would have still been cleaning up blood from my grandmother's hunter green carpet. I always feel safe with my family and male friends. I have never once felt that any of them would put me in harms way or allowed anything even remotely inappropriate to be said to me in their presence let alone it come from one of them. Now, I had one uncle that always got drunk and wanted a hug, but he got right after he got cussed out by my auntie.

That's another thing, while there are admittedly perverts in our communities, there are also matriarchs and patriarchs "who ain't having it." We are victims and protected at the same time. It is confusing yet common. Accepted yet despised.

Heres the bottom line:

Ariana's outift was inappropriate for a funeral. She needs to take a que from Fantasia. (Granted there is both an age and cultural difference between the two.) But Ellis doesnt get a pass for trying to take advantage of her due to his position and her ignorance. If she wore a two piece suit, the infliction would be just as vile. We have to do a better job of holding our men accountable and curtailing this mindset of accepting predatory behavior.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Single on purpose

I’ll be 32 in less than a month, and I'm still single. Five years ago that reality would have depressed me, today it's a comfortable truth. I won't provide any falsehoods. I fully expected to be married with a kid, 4 bedroom house, Master’s degree in hand, and a nice car. Well I got the car! Anyway, saying all that to say I had expectations for my life that were based on societal opinions of where “I should be.” I believed that if I was single at a certain age, there was something wrong. I had to be doing this or that. But if I’m honest, I mean completely transparent, I wasn't ready. Hell, I wasn't really ready till a few months ago. That realization hit during my last relationship.

I noticed slight changes in my daily mannerisms, the way I talked to him, the compromises I was willing to make, and what I was willing to accept. I was honest about my expectations and spoke up when I was unhappy with something. And even more shocking, there were a few times when I had to take a step back and say “babe, I’m in my feelings right now and I can't hear you, let's talk about this later.” It honestly was a great relationship with a great guy and when it ended, I walked away whole because I entered it whole. I mean I had my little pissy fit, drank a little bit, and had the obligatory break up night with the girls. Ok, a few “break up” nights with the girls, but the point is I wasn't “niggas ain't shit" angry.

It’s not like an I hate men and I don’t ever want to date again type thing. It’s like, this was a serious and significant relationship in my life, I honor that and want to give it the respect its due. Think about it like you went on a trip. This relationship is my suitcase. Normally when I return from a trip, I let my suitcase sit untouched for a while, honestly about a week or two. Eventually I’ll get tired of looking at it and decide to unpack it. I unpack everything, wash clothes and then let the clean clothes sit in the basket awhile. When I finally fold and put away all the clean clothes, I also clean my house, top to bottom. I clean fixtures, baseboards, throw out old and unnecessary items, and reorganize. Before I have any new visitors, I make sure my home is in pristine condition. I feel the same way about my life and romantic relationships.

Like I said before, I was able to walk out of this situation (or  any other for that matter) whole because that's the way I walked into it. Before there was an opportunity for him to even approach me, I had to get me in check. And let me tell you, looking in the mirror is no easy task and I needed some help doing it. So I went and sat my ass on “them peoples” couch and told all my business. And you know what, it helped, a lot. Therapy helped me to fix me which was the common denominator in every single failed relationship (romantic, familial, or platonic) in my life. I took inventory, adjusted my attitude, fixed my face, and most importantly I changed my mind about what I wanted and expected from those who I allowed  to enter my life.

The season of single is sacred. There is something to be said for being guilt freely selfish. Having the opportunity to learn you, is priceless. It's a necessary time that we all too often take for granted. We're in such a rush to have sex or commit that we fail to see the satisfying simplicity in a good conversation. Singleness should be purposeful. Being single on purpose is by far the best thing I've ever done for myself and it provides better results. The most ironic part about this epiphany, if you will, is I’m actively dating more now than I did previously. Let me specify, casually dating. Don't get stuck on that.

I know this is not by far what you're used to from me on Tuesday, but every now and then I gotta remind yall I got a little sense. 😊
